Entreq Eartha Apollo Infinity 접지선
최고 중 최고로의 도전. 진정 좋은 음향기기를 가진 사람들을 위함입니다.
Entreq 는 아무것도 숨기지 않습니다. 만약 당신의 나머지 장비가 표준이라면 당신은 각도, 가로 그리고 넓이에서 완벽한 구성을 갖게 될 것입니다.
모든 것은 진보적이며 굉장히 현실적인 방법으로 표현됩니다.
자연은 언제나 최고의 생산자입니다.
그것이 바로 Entreq가 자연의 방식으로 만들려는 이유입니다.
그 결과 좀처럼 듣기 힘든 자연스러운 사운드와 음악에서의 흐름을 만들어 냅니다.
이중부정 단언자
이중부정은 긍정의 의미입니다. “나는 알고 있읍니다”는 “나는 지식이 없지 않습니다“라고도
두문장은 같은 표현을 나타내지만 두번째 문장은 부정을 표현하거나 잘못된 것처럼 들립니다.
이것은 HIFI에서도 같습니다.
만약 당신이 전자 장비를 유리테이블에 두려한다면 당신은 거칠고 공격적인 초고음을 감당할수
있도록 보장할 수 있어야 합니다.
당신은 이것을 중성이 아닌 고음을 부드럽게 하는 케이블로 보정을 하려고 시도할 수도 있습니다.
그 소리는 마치 잘 수정된 소리로 들릴 수 있지만 위 문장과 같이 강압적이고 번잡하게 들릴 것입니다.
그리고 그결점을 고치려고 하면 할수록 그 소리는 더 악화될 것입니다.
이것이 바로 환경과 주변설비가 가능한 중성이 되는 것이 중요한 이유입니다.
Entreq의 모든 제품은 중성적이며 자연 스럽습니다.
아무것도 첨가되거나 빠지지 않았습니다.
Eartha Infinity Cupper. Produces a warm effect.
Eartha Infinity Discover A hybrid cable with good details and neutral.
Eartha Infinity Konstantin. Produces more detailed effect
Eartha Infinity Challenger. A hybrid Copper/Silver that is rather neutral and with very good details.
Eartha Infinity Silver Produces a very detailed effect, especially at high frequencies
Eartha Infinity Apollo Neutral, but very open and detailed. Our most allround cable.
Eartha Olympus For the best systems. Compareable with Apollo but more open, detailed and neutral.
Eartha Infinity Atlantis For the best systems. Very detailed, with a warmer character
It is simply not possible to offer any general advice as to which cable performs best in a stereo set.
Since each cable has its own properties, as does each stereo set, and they must be matched with the right ground box, so one needs to experiment.
In general, we can say that Discover, Challenger and Apollo always work well. They are very all-round.
But we can unfortunately not offer any good advice about choose cable since the conditions vary so greatly.
However, the most expensive is not necessarily the best for you. It is very possible that Konstantin is the cable that does the best job for you.
Our recommendation is that you work with an experienced agent, dealer or distributor to secure the optimal combination of both Ertha ground cable and Entreq ground box to best suit your system.
Ertha RCA , XLR, DIN, USB& RJ45, Hook : Standard length 1.65m ( longer lengths are available )
- These cables are designed for direct connection to your electronics / computer / music streamer via currently unused RCA , XLR or USB inputs or outputs. The RJ45 connector can also be employed on your Digital streaming device but is most effective on your source router and/or NAS drive.
- The cable is terminated with an Entreq spade at one end (this connects to your carefully choosen level of partnering Entreq ground box) and then to either an Entreq designed RCA , XLR , USB or RJ45 ground connection, at the other end. This then connects to your selected piece of equipment.
- A carefully selected Entreq ground box is required to connect to your choosen Entreq Ertha cable.
- These Ertha cables are available in the following ranges and are in an ascending order of performance :
Copper , Discover, Konstantin , Challenger , Silver , Apollo , Atlantis and Olympus
Eartha Schuko, US & UK
- These cables are designed for connect to wall socket protective ground and either to a Stand alone Tellus/Silver Tellus or on the dedicatet input on Olympus Tellus. We dont recomend you mix in other ground cables on ground box when using Tellus/ Silver Tellus
- The cables are terminated with a plug that only connect to the Earth.
- These cables are avilable as
Konstantin, Challenger, Apollo, Atlantis and Olympus
Ertha Spade to Spade or hook/spade : Standard length 1.65m ( longer lengths are available )
- These are used to connect to equipment that have additional or specialist ground points, even chassis locations. The most common application is for RIAA phono stages or grounding to a turntable itself. * Please note that where possible always use an Ertha RCA or XLR cable, invariably they will always perform better *
- Entreq PowerUs and CleanUs products all have there own dedicated ground connections and as such require an Ertha Spade to Spade to draw excess noise away to your choosen Entreq ground box.
- A carefully selected Entreq ground box is required to connect to your choosen Entreq Ertha cable.
- These cables are available in the following ranges and are in an ascending order of performance :
Copper , Discover, Konstantin , Challenger , Silver , Apollo , Atlantis and Olympus
Ertha 3.5 to Spade : Standard length 1.65m ( longer lengths are available )
- There is only one application for this particular product and that is to exclusively connect, via a 3.5mm ground connection, to Entreq's dedicated "EEDS noise reduction circuit". This unique technology is built into almost all of Entreqs Signal cables.
- A carefully selected Entreq ground box is required to connect to your choosen Entreq Ertha cable.
- These cables are available in the following ranges and are in an ascending order of performance :
Copper , Discover, Konstantin , Challenger , Silver , Apollo , Atlantis and Olympus
1. 우체국등기소포로 전국 어느 곳이든 1~2일 이내 배송 가능합니다. (공휴일제외) \
2. 온라인 송금을 하신 경우에는 입금확인 후 익일부터 배송기간에 포함합니다. 천재지변 등 불가항력적인 사유 발생시 그 해당기간 동안은 배송기간에서 제외합니다.
3. 주문하신 상품이 훼손되어 배달 된 경우, 상품을 수령한 날로부터 20일이내에 구매 취소하실 수 있습니다.
4. 고객께서 온라인 송금으로 결제하셨을 경우, 고객의 은행계좌로 송금하는 방법으로 환불하여 드립니다.
5. 주문하신 상품이 물류 특성상 다른 시간대에 배송될 수도 있습니다.
Entreq Eartha Apollo Infinity 접지선
최고 중 최고로의 도전. 진정 좋은 음향기기를 가진 사람들을 위함입니다.
Entreq 는 아무것도 숨기지 않습니다. 만약 당신의 나머지 장비가 표준이라면 당신은 각도, 가로 그리고 넓이에서 완벽한 구성을 갖게 될 것입니다.
모든 것은 진보적이며 굉장히 현실적인 방법으로 표현됩니다.
자연은 언제나 최고의 생산자입니다.
그것이 바로 Entreq가 자연의 방식으로 만들려는 이유입니다.
그 결과 좀처럼 듣기 힘든 자연스러운 사운드와 음악에서의 흐름을 만들어 냅니다.
이중부정 단언자
이중부정은 긍정의 의미입니다. “나는 알고 있읍니다”는 “나는 지식이 없지 않습니다“라고도
두문장은 같은 표현을 나타내지만 두번째 문장은 부정을 표현하거나 잘못된 것처럼 들립니다.
이것은 HIFI에서도 같습니다.
만약 당신이 전자 장비를 유리테이블에 두려한다면 당신은 거칠고 공격적인 초고음을 감당할수
있도록 보장할 수 있어야 합니다.
당신은 이것을 중성이 아닌 고음을 부드럽게 하는 케이블로 보정을 하려고 시도할 수도 있습니다.
그 소리는 마치 잘 수정된 소리로 들릴 수 있지만 위 문장과 같이 강압적이고 번잡하게 들릴 것입니다.
그리고 그결점을 고치려고 하면 할수록 그 소리는 더 악화될 것입니다.
이것이 바로 환경과 주변설비가 가능한 중성이 되는 것이 중요한 이유입니다.
Entreq의 모든 제품은 중성적이며 자연 스럽습니다.
아무것도 첨가되거나 빠지지 않았습니다.
Eartha Infinity Cupper. Produces a warm effect.
Eartha Infinity Discover A hybrid cable with good details and neutral.
Eartha Infinity Konstantin. Produces more detailed effect
Eartha Infinity Challenger. A hybrid Copper/Silver that is rather neutral and with very good details.
Eartha Infinity Silver Produces a very detailed effect, especially at high frequencies
Eartha Infinity Apollo Neutral, but very open and detailed. Our most allround cable.
Eartha Olympus For the best systems. Compareable with Apollo but more open, detailed and neutral.
Eartha Infinity Atlantis For the best systems. Very detailed, with a warmer character
It is simply not possible to offer any general advice as to which cable performs best in a stereo set.
Since each cable has its own properties, as does each stereo set, and they must be matched with the right ground box, so one needs to experiment.
In general, we can say that Discover, Challenger and Apollo always work well. They are very all-round.
But we can unfortunately not offer any good advice about choose cable since the conditions vary so greatly.
However, the most expensive is not necessarily the best for you. It is very possible that Konstantin is the cable that does the best job for you.
Our recommendation is that you work with an experienced agent, dealer or distributor to secure the optimal combination of both Ertha ground cable and Entreq ground box to best suit your system.
Ertha RCA , XLR, DIN, USB& RJ45, Hook : Standard length 1.65m ( longer lengths are available )
- These cables are designed for direct connection to your electronics / computer / music streamer via currently unused RCA , XLR or USB inputs or outputs. The RJ45 connector can also be employed on your Digital streaming device but is most effective on your source router and/or NAS drive.
- The cable is terminated with an Entreq spade at one end (this connects to your carefully choosen level of partnering Entreq ground box) and then to either an Entreq designed RCA , XLR , USB or RJ45 ground connection, at the other end. This then connects to your selected piece of equipment.
- A carefully selected Entreq ground box is required to connect to your choosen Entreq Ertha cable.
- These Ertha cables are available in the following ranges and are in an ascending order of performance :
Copper , Discover, Konstantin , Challenger , Silver , Apollo , Atlantis and Olympus
Eartha Schuko, US & UK
- These cables are designed for connect to wall socket protective ground and either to a Stand alone Tellus/Silver Tellus or on the dedicatet input on Olympus Tellus. We dont recomend you mix in other ground cables on ground box when using Tellus/ Silver Tellus
- The cables are terminated with a plug that only connect to the Earth.
- These cables are avilable as
Konstantin, Challenger, Apollo, Atlantis and Olympus
Ertha Spade to Spade or hook/spade : Standard length 1.65m ( longer lengths are available )
- These are used to connect to equipment that have additional or specialist ground points, even chassis locations. The most common application is for RIAA phono stages or grounding to a turntable itself. * Please note that where possible always use an Ertha RCA or XLR cable, invariably they will always perform better *
- Entreq PowerUs and CleanUs products all have there own dedicated ground connections and as such require an Ertha Spade to Spade to draw excess noise away to your choosen Entreq ground box.
- A carefully selected Entreq ground box is required to connect to your choosen Entreq Ertha cable.
- These cables are available in the following ranges and are in an ascending order of performance :
Copper , Discover, Konstantin , Challenger , Silver , Apollo , Atlantis and Olympus
Ertha 3.5 to Spade : Standard length 1.65m ( longer lengths are available )
- There is only one application for this particular product and that is to exclusively connect, via a 3.5mm ground connection, to Entreq's dedicated "EEDS noise reduction circuit". This unique technology is built into almost all of Entreqs Signal cables.
- A carefully selected Entreq ground box is required to connect to your choosen Entreq Ertha cable.
- These cables are available in the following ranges and are in an ascending order of performance :
Copper , Discover, Konstantin , Challenger , Silver , Apollo , Atlantis and Olympus
1. 우체국등기소포로 전국 어느 곳이든 1~2일 이내 배송 가능합니다. (공휴일제외) \
2. 온라인 송금을 하신 경우에는 입금확인 후 익일부터 배송기간에 포함합니다. 천재지변 등 불가항력적인 사유 발생시 그 해당기간 동안은 배송기간에서 제외합니다.
3. 주문하신 상품이 훼손되어 배달 된 경우, 상품을 수령한 날로부터 20일이내에 구매 취소하실 수 있습니다.
4. 고객께서 온라인 송금으로 결제하셨을 경우, 고객의 은행계좌로 송금하는 방법으로 환불하여 드립니다.
5. 주문하신 상품이 물류 특성상 다른 시간대에 배송될 수도 있습니다.